Ok, so I think I've tried like 30 times to start writing a blog and it never seems to pan out. Here's # 31.

I've recently started interacting with SharePoint 2010. My first interaction with SharePoint was in 2003 and to say the least I was not impressed. Things didn't seem to always work. I even found at once point that it worked differently in Windows 2000 than in XP. Fast forward to 2011. I saw a demo in the last 6 months of SharePoint 2010 and had the opportunity at work to be part of a team that would work on implementing it for out Intranet. We traveled to a Microsoft Training Center to do a Proof of Concept (POC). Needless to say, compared to 2003 it's a much better and more polished product now, but it still seems overly complicated in may areas.

One such area is the MySite feature. While it is a nice feature and one that many places may want or desire, our Corporation does not. It seems that we aren't the only ones. In looking at how to handle them I found that pieces of them are nice, but there's no easy way to disable certain features. Lucky, I found a good solution, not as simple as I would expect but it works.

I will continue to try to blog about the "SharePoint Monster", as one colleague has come to call it.