Continuous Integration Builds using Jenkins for Xamarin.iOS

The first thing you'll need is a spare OS X machine. There happened to be a Mac Mini laying around to use.The first thing I did was to install Jenkins. Once installed I created a folder to do all of the builds in. Note that Jenkins creates a user. I created the folder here: /Users/Shared/Build/. Make sure that you give read and write permissions to the jenkins user that was created.Now download Team Explorer Everywhere (TEE)Copy TEE it to the newly created folder (/Users/Shared/Build/)Run the following commands in the command line to accept the eula of tf and allow the build to... [Read More]

Xamarin.iOS: My Experience

I've recently had the opportunity to use Xamarin.iOS (formerly known as monotouch) to develop an iPad application. Let me start by saying, I've never written an iOS application before. I had previously seen some Objective-c, read about it and it's beginnings, and knew that it was based on a MVC model.I once owned an iPad 1 (as well as an iPhone for 2 short weeks before it broke) but it just wasn't useful for me. Since those days, I've taken a long hiatus from Apple's iOS products. They were severely under featured for my tastes and the Android ecosystem has most always... [Read More]

Spotify for the Home

If you're reading this post you surely already know what spotify is. At least 17.5 million people must know what it is, well at least they've signed up for it. Needless to say, it's an awesome service. However, I don't have any desire to pay $8 a month to use it because I've never been much of a music purchaser. I'd rather listen to the radio, get a CD and wear it out, or borrow from someone. However, I do really enjoy music.So, now that my house has speakers installed throughout I've been looking for a way to control the... [Read More]